1. 2024
  2. 2023


Framing the Futures of Northern Iloilo State University: A Visionary Expedition
In a bid to chart a path toward a progressive future, Northern Iloilo State University (NISU) recently took an active part in the Futures Thinking initiative chaired by Senator Pilar Juliana ‘Pia” S. Cayetano by hosting a two-day "Framing the Futures for Northern Iloilo State University". Held at INA Farmers Learning Site and Agri-Farm Inc., Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo last April 18-19, 2024, the event convened 73 university personnel, marking a significant stride in envisioning the institution's trajectory.
Framing the Futures is Course 1 of the Capability Building on Futures Thinking and Foresight which focuses on deepening the Foresight process with questions (Truth Telling) about the University purpose and vision. Workshops on scenarios and causal layered analysis to break old assumptions and paradigms were done during this course.
The activity commenced with a warm welcome from Dr. Allemar Jhon P. Delima, Vice President for Research and Extension, setting the tone for the insightful discourse that followed. Dr. Bobby D. Gerardo, the esteemed University President, delivered an inspiring message, emphasizing the key role of proactive planning in shaping NISU's evolution.
Dr. Jan Carlo T. Arroyo, University Director for Scientific Publication, and Dr. Ma. Ivy V. Agreda, University Director for Research and Development Services, introduced the participants and resource speakers, respectively, paving the way for a day brimming with intellectual exchange.
The morning session of Day 1 actively engaged the participants with Mr. Emmanuel de Guia, Director for Strategic Network and Partnership at the Philippine Futures Thinking Society, who positively disturbed the mindset norms to "Framing the Futures." Exploring the details of foresight methodologies, de Guia ignited discussions on proactive approaches to navigate uncertain tomorrows.
Following a thought-provoking lunch break, Dr. Jalaine Joyce V. Malabanan, Course Specialist at the Institute of Open and Distance Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, took center stage. Her discourse on megatrends, trends, and drivers of change provided participants with a panoramic view of the evolving landscape, enabling them to identify emerging opportunities and challenges.
The symposium transitioned into an interactive segment where participants were divided into four groups, each tasked with envisioning the future of a specific commodity: Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Fisheries, High-Valued Crops, and Local and Natural Feed Production. Led by dedicated Commodity Team Leaders, the groups engaged in brainstorming sessions, culminating in presentations that encapsulated their collective visions.
The zenith of the day, facilitated by Mr. Emmanuel de Guia synthesizing the group outputs in the Elevator Pitch Segment, fostering cross-pollination of ideas and perspectives. This collaborative endeavor yielded innovative strategies and actionable insights to propel NISU toward a sustainable and resilient future.
Distinguished guests, including Dr. Ma. Theresa G. Palmares, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Dr. Jomartin C. Limson, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dr. Mylene B. Estebal, Chief Administrative Officer (Finance), graced with their presence the discussions, emphasizing the university's commitment to holistic development.
As the "Framing the Futures" entered its second day, participants at Northern Iloilo State University (NISU) eagerly embraced deeper explorations into foresight methodologies and paradigms. The day commenced with Dr. Michville A. Rivera from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela taking the stage as the first speaker, discussed the details of CLA (Causal Layered Analysis).
Dr. Rivera's insightful session provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of CLA, a tool for analyzing issues at different layers to uncover root causes and potential solutions. Through engaging discussions and practical examples, participants gained valuable insights into employing CLA as a strategic foresight tool.
Following Dr. Rivera's session, a workshop on CLA was facilitated by Mr. Emmanuel de Guia, providing participants with hands-on experience in applying the methodology to real-world scenarios highlighting the core commodities of Northern Iloilo. The interactive nature of the workshop encouraged collaboration and critical thinking, fostering a deeper understanding of CLA's applications in shaping future strategies.
The second speaker, Dr. Jalaine Joyce V. Malabanan, returned to the stage to explore the "Compassionate-Anticipatory Paradigm." Dr. Malabanan's presentation emphasized the importance of integrating empathy and foresight into decision-making processes, fostering compassionate and proactive approaches to addressing societal challenges.
Following the insightful presentations, participants engaged in a "Thinking Building Activity," designed to encourage creative thinking and collaboration. The speakers and the participants shared their impressions of the activity, highlighting its effectiveness in stimulating innovative ideas and fostering teamwork among the NISU Family.
The workshop drew to a close with closing remarks from Dr. Ma. Theresa G. Palmares, Vice President for Administration and Finance. Dr. Palmares expressed her gratitude to the participants, speakers, and organizers for their contributions to the event, reaffirming NISU's commitment to fostering a culture of forward-thinking and innovation.
Framing the Futures which was spearheaded by the Office of Research and Development Services - Northern Iloilo State University served as a testament to NISU's unwavering dedication to innovation and foresight. As the curtains draw on this transformative event, the echoes of collective aspirations resonate, heralding a future brimming with promise and possibilities. (JV Laforteza/MI Agreda)
🫰Hiraya Manawari


Research Personnel joins operational planning (Main Campus level) conducted by the OVPRE
The research personnel joined the operational planning on December 9-10, 2023 at Jardeleza Sea Garden Resort, Leganes, Iloilo. In preparation for next year’s activities and in order to maintain if not exceed the current year’s accomplishment a review and presentation of updated and effective operational plan of the office had been conducted for this purpose. Further, the activity also aims to assess, evaluate and reflect on the previous accomplishment of the office in order to plan for the improvement of next year’s activities. This served as an avenue for the offices under the OVPRE to provide useful feedbacking on the department’s performance, and to facilitate better working relationships in order to have a more productive performance among the participants which could contribute to their professional development.
This activity is also in response to a public consultation on the development of the new Program Expenditure Classification (PREXC) indicators for State Colleges and Universities (SUCs) which was conducted via online last November 28, 2023 by the Office by the SUC Performance-Based Bonus Evaluation Team through the Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Central Office. Thus, to prepare for next year’s targets and accomplishment, the New Program Expenditure Classification (PREXC) indicators for State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) was also presented.
As part of the program, the new target indicators were presented by Dr. Jan Carlo T. Arroyo. Issues and concerns on this matter were raised, discussed, and clarified during the activity.
Also, University Directors under the Office of the VPRE presented their office's accomplishments for CY 2023.
At the end of the activity, a simple celebration was held to create better working relationships and professional development, encouraging them to have a better and more productive performance.

PCAARRD visits NISU for the Lakbay-Galing Youtube Series
The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) team visited NISU-Estancia and Concepcion Campus on November 24-25, 2023 to take videos for the Lakbay-Galing Season 3 Youtube series.
The PCAARRD production team took video clips of the landmarks of NISU Estancia and Concepcion Campus and of the municipality where these campuses belong.
The team also visited the site of the PCAARRD-funded research project. An interview was conducted with Dr. Larry B. Deysolong as the Project Leader of the PCAARRD-funded research project “Maximizing Pond Use through Mangrove Crab Fattening Cum Fish Culture to Improve the Livelihood of Farmers”. To better determine the impact of this project, an interview with Dr. Jeff George V. Delima, III, one of the project beneficiaries was also conducted by the team.
The PCAARRD Lakbay-Galing team was composed of Ms. Faye de Castro, Ms. Klariz Sadie, Ms. Angelie Marcon, Mr. Paul Katimbang and Mr. Joshua Dela Fuente. This activity was facilitated by Dr. Ma. Ivy Agreda, University Research Director with Ms. Ladelyn Tolentino, Dr. Leogivildo Rey Alaban and Mr. Jomar Von Laforteza.

NISU engages in an exploratory discussion with Iloilo Provincial Government

Improving the implementation of the Movement for a Robust, Progressive and Globally Competitive and Resilient Province of Iloilo (MoRPRoGRes) program, the Iloilo Provincial Government invited NISU for an exploratory discussion on August 31, 2023, held at the Provincial Capitol, Iloilo City.

The meeting was called to discuss possible collaboration on research that would benefit the university and the province. It was presided by the Provincial Planning and Coordinator Head, Mr. Mario Nillos. Also, present during the meeting were the other heads and representatives of the provincial offices.

A video presentation about MoRPRoGRes, its goals, initiatives and projects implemented was shown to kick start the meeting. Research projects on agriculture, information technology, and fisheries were presented for possible collaboration by the NISU representatives. It was followed by the presentation of research projects of NISU. Dr. Jan Carlo T. Arroyo presented a proposal on Smart Vertical Farming; Dr. Felipe P. Vista IV on asset tracking system project; and

Dr. Marilyn L. Laguda on the assessment project on the aquatic flora and fauna of Concepcion, Iloilo.

Dr. Jan Carlo T. Arroyo during his presentation on smart farming research project

Dr. Felipe P. Vista IV as he presents a project on asset tracking system, which if materialized can be useful by the province and of the university.

Topics and issues on research and social justice agenda were also raised and discussed by the group for the benefit of the university and of the province.

Researches on other areas conducted by the faculty of the University were also shared to the group to give them an overview of the research initiatives of the University. Other programs and projects of the Province such as tourismo sa barangay, inventory of cultural property and others were also shared to NISU for possible collaboration.

University Officials who took part in the insightful meeting were Dr. Allemar Jhone P. Delima (Vice President for Research and Extension), Dr. Ma. Ivy V. Agreda (University Research Director), Dr. Jan Carlo T. Arroyo (University Scientific Publications Director), Dr. Marilyn L. Laguda (Campus Research Director of Concepcion), and Dr. Felipe P. Vista IV the NISU Balik-Scientist.

Research Office and Scientific Publication conduct joint Quarterly Meeting

The Office of Research and Development Services and the Office of Scientific Publication conducted a joint quarterly meeting today, June 8, 2023 at the R&E Conference Hall, NISU-West Campus, Estancia, Iloilo.

Present during the meeting were the Campus Research Directors, Campus Directors for Scientific Publication, Chairpersons under the Office of the Scientific Publications and Research Office Assistants.

The first part of the meeting focused on the preparation of documents for SUC Leveling. Dr. Jan Carlo Arroyo, University Director for Scientific Publication led the orientation on what and how to fill-in the form which the Office of Sci Pub and ORDS created for the submission of data and support documents.

After the orientation and presentation of the instrument, the participants had a separate meeting with their respective University Directors- Dr. Ma. Ivy V. Agreda for Research and Dr. Jan Carlo Arroyo for the Scientific Publication.

Accomplishment reports, updates on programs and activities, and other related matters were discussed during the meeting.

  • Loren Mae Guillen
  • JP Lorica

NISU Receives Plaque of Recognition from WESVAARRDEC

Northern Iloilo State University (NISU) as one of the longest Consortium Member Institutions (CMIs) of Western Visayas Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (WESVAARRDEC) receives a Plaque of Recognition during the Pasidungog 2023 Awards and Recognition Ceremony last May 31, 2023 at Park Inn by Radisson, Iloilo City. Pasidungog 2023 is one of the activities in connection with the celebration of WESVAARRDEC 35th Anniversary. The award was received by the NISU President Dr. Bobby D. Gerardo together with the Vice-President for Research and Extension Dr. Allemar Jhone P Delima and University Research Director Dr. Ma. Ivy V. Agreda.


NISU conducts WARAGWAGAN 2023 (A Research In-House Review)

The Office of the Research and Development Services under the Office of the Vice President for Research and Extension conducts the Annual Research In-House Review with the theme “Capitalizing and Accelerating NISU’s Emerging Technology Intensity through Multidisciplinary Research Approach” on May 16-17, 2023 at NISU Victorino Salcedo Sara Campus.

Waragwagan 2023 was spearheaded by the Office of Research and Development Services headed by the Research University Director Dr, Ma, Ivy V, Agreda. This two-day activity aims to evaluate research proposals for further improvement. This activity will allow the management to have the basis in providing funds for implementation in the succeeding year.

Present during the event were the University President Dr. Bobby D. Gerardo, VPRE Dr. Allemar Jhone P. Delima, VPAA Dr. Jomartin C. Limson, VPAF Dr. Ma. Theresa G. Palmares, Campus Administrators, Campus Research Directors, external and internal evaluators as well as faculty presenters from the NISU system. Student researchers of the NISU Victorino Salcedo Sara Campus were also invited to attend and observe during the event.

NISU was very privileged to have Dr. Don Anton R. Balida as the keynote speaker who is an alumnus of NISU Batad (formerly NIPSC Batad) and is now an Assistant Professor of Professional Development at Higher Education of the International College of Engineering and Management in Muscat City, Oman.

“To achieve internationalization, NISU could explore other pillars of research to increase its visibility. The research thrust of NISU must not be selective. Instead, it should be empowering and encouraging”, Dr. Balida said as he delivered his keynote speech. Further, he stressed that conducting research is difficult. It is not that simple. Thus, he suggested for a mentorship and collaboration among other researchers.

Simultaneous presentations commenced after the opening which were divided into:

  • Day 1: Two Categories
    • Governance and Management/ Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change, and Governance and Management
    • Education and Social Sciences (3 clusters
  • Day 2: Five Categories
    • Computer and Information Technology
    • Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology
    • Food Development and Innovation
    • Agriculture
    • Fisheries

The external and internal evaluators who evaluated the proposals under each cluster were: (1) For Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, Governance and Management Cluster:  DR. SHERINA D. DIMO (WVSU-Lambunao Campus), Dr. Michelle B. Baco (NISU-Main Campus), and Dr. Eva Joy C. Palma (NISU-Barotac Viejo Campus)(2) For Education and Social Sciences Clusters: DR. STEPHEN RAYMUND T. JINON (ISUFST), DR. EFREN GUMAYAN (ISAT-U), DR. REAH ANN A. TORRES(ISAT-U), Dr. Rosario P. Noderama (NISU-Victorino Salcedo Sara Campus), Dr. June Rey S. Sulatra (NISU-Main Campus), Dr. Ma. Theresa G. Palmares (NISU-Main Campus), Prof. Mark John Belleza (NISU-Main Campus), Dr. Janice B. Sampani (NISU-Barotac Viejo Campus), and Dr. Hene L. Hapinat (NISU-Batad Campus) (3) For Agriculture and Fisheries Cluster: DR. JOHN KING N. LAYOS (CAPSU- Burias Campus), Dr. Maita A. Gonzales (NISU-Barotac Viejo Campus), and Prof. Eva S. Montero (NISU-Batad Campus)  (4) For Computer and Information Technology Cluster: DR. JULIE ANN A. SALIDO from Aklan State University, Dr. Jan Carlo T. Arroyo (NISU-Main Campus), and Dr. Felipe V. Vista, IV (NISU-Main Campus) and, (5) For Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology: ENGR. MONALYN L. OLOROSO (CAPSU-Burias Campus), Engr. Rosalie Grace S. de la Cruz (NISU-Main Campus), and Engr. Jose Aaron B. Confesor (NISU-Main Campus).

Below are the winners of the Waragwagan 2023 who were announced during the Closing Program.

Best Presenter:

  • Governance and Management Cluster - Ronnie G. Salazar
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 1A - Theresa Geed T. Abagatnan
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 2A - Mark John A. Belleza
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 1B - Ariete A. De Asis
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 2B - Claire D. Bibit
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 1C - Ana Liza P. Caliwag
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 2C - Ariete A. De Asis
  • Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, Governance and Management Cluster - Gerson C. Gallo
  • Agriculture Cluster (Parallel Session 3) - Marjohn C. Niño
  • Agriculture Cluster (Parallel Session 4) - Ruby S. Yotoko
  • Computer and Information Technology Cluster - Raoul Rey G. Flores
  • Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Cluster (Parallel Session 3) - Rafael B. Berte
  • Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Cluster (Parallel Session 4) - Nole P. Pamplona
  • Fisheries Cluster - Donabel V. Palorma
  • Food Development and Innovation Cluster - Joram T. Minguito

Best Research Proposal Awardee:

  • Governance and Management Cluster
    • Ronnie G. Salazar
    • Noe D. Dasig Jr.
    • Mark Ronar G. Galagala
    • Marilyn De Los Reyes
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 1A&2A
    • Mark John A. Belleza
    • Claire D. Bibit
    • Ma. Xerxa Doan P. Billones-Franco
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 1B&2B
    • Ma. Xerxa Doan P. Billones-Franco
    • Claire D. Bibit
    • Noli B. Ballara
    • Mark John A. Belleza
    • Harly Israel G. Bandojo
    • Shirley S. Billones
    • Ave Marie P. Genodia
  • Education & Social Sciences Cluster 1C&2C
    • Francis A.  Peñaranda
  • Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, Governance and Management Cluster
    • Gerson C. Gallo
  • Agriculture Cluster
    • Marjohn C. Niño
    • Rocel C. Miparanum-Tolentin
    • Leif Marvin R. Gonzales
    • Mildred M. Gamale
    • May Dinah S. Brana
    • Alberto Espada III
    • Raymark Jun G. Basinang
  • Computer and Information Technology Cluster
    • Ronald D. Derla
    • Rosalie Grace S. De La Cruz
    • Mark Rhonar Galagala
    • Rafael Berte
    • Nole Pamplona
  • Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Cluster
    • Nole P. Pamplona
    • Rosalie Grace S. De La Cruz
    • Jeremias G. Gabion
    • Domingo O. Decrepito, Jr.
  • Fisheries Cluster
    • Donabel V. Palorma
  • Food Development and Innovation Cluster
  • Joram T. Minguito
  • Marilyn L. Laguda
  • Marjorie A. Villanueva
  • Jona M. Sosas
  • Razel Z. Padronia

The success of Waragwagan 2023 was made possible through the immeasurable support of Dr. Raffy B. Chavez, Campus Administrator of the host campus and of the Committee members who never failed to do their part and responsibilities from the start until the closing program of the activity.


All offices under the OVPRE revisit their Operational Manual

With the latest trends and updates in research and innovations, the office of the Vice President for Research and Extension finds it necessary to revise, update and edit its operational manual. All Directors under the OVPRE and its staff convened in a three-day Training-Workshop on the Crafting of Revised Institutional Research, Innovation, Scientific Publication and Extension (RISE) Manual on March 29-31, 2023 at Jardeleza Sea Garden Resort, Leganes, Iloilo.

Dr. Ma. Ivy V. Agreda, Director for Research and Development Services, spearheaded the said activity. “To effectively deliver the mission of the these (different) departments it is a must that approved  set of rules, guidelines and policies for proper and smooth operations must be present, clearly defined and implemented”, Dr. Agreda stated during the reading of the rationale of the program.

Dr. Greta G. Gabinete, Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Extension of West Visayas State University and Dr. Ryan Michael Oducado, University Research Director of the same university were invited as resource speakers to give insights for the crafting of the manual. These resource persons are experienced in terms of research and extension and spearheaded or participated in the crafting of their R&E Manual from their respective university.

Each office was advised to follow the structure of the harmonized policy manual format if available. Participants were very active in exchanging of ideas and integrating the policies observed from other universities which are also suitable and applicable to implement at NISU.

On the third day, the outputs were presented for comments and suggestions.

Towards the end of the workshop, all participants were very hopeful that the policy manual will be later fully implemented and will have a great impact in achieving the desired development of NISU in terms of research and extension implementation.



IN PHOTOS: NISU Faculty Member bagged the Best Conference Paper during the International Conference of SEAMREEC

Ten Faculty members of the Northern Iloilo State University participated in the Southeast Asian Multidisciplinary Research Expo and Extension Conference (SEAMREEC). The NISU team bested 7 entries for the oral presentation and 5 entries for poster presentation. It was participated by the faculty members coming from the College of Industrial Technology (6), College of Arts and Sciences (1), College of Education (2), and College of Information and Computing Studies (1).

With the theme “Translate. Transfer.Transform. Research and Extension Practices in 4.0”, the said international conference was held on March 1-4, 2023 at Sorsogon City, Philippines where various research innovations of different institutions in the country were featured.

Dr. Jeremias G. Gabion, Dean of the College of Industrial Technology and one of the presenters, bagged the Best Conference Paper of the event with the research title "Development of Potassium Dichromate as an Agent in Photographic Silkscreen Printing" for the Track 1 - Green Technology, Science and Technology Innovation.



The Office of Research and Development Services lead by the Vice President for Research and Extension Services, Dr. Allemar Jhone P. Delima and the Director for Research and Development Services, Dr. Ma. Ivy V. Agreda, congratulate the NISU presenters for this remarkable feat!



By Dr. Rosalie Grace S. dela Cruz


In Photos╠ RDS held its first meeting with the NISU-Main Campus Research Coordinators for CY 2023

The Office of Research and Development Services, headed by the Research Director Dr. Ma. Ivy V. Agreda, presided the first meeting with the Research Coordinators of the Main Campus for this calendar year 2023.
The meeting was called on February 8, 2023 mainly to discuss the crafting of the defined research agenda per program by the Research Coordinators in cooperation with the other stakeholders of each program which later be submitted to the Research Office on the agreed date for consolidation.

Also, during the meeting, other matters were raised related to research, such as: 1) the research coordinators' functions, 2) preparation for accreditation (Area V), 3) SUC leveling, 4) 2023 research proposals, and 5) researchers’ incentives.

“ORDS cannot function well without you and without our researchers. We cannot do it alone. I am truly grateful with your support and cooperation,” Dr. Agreda’s statements as she expressed her appreciation toward the research coordinators.


ORDS revisits the Research Manual
Bent in solidifying the research operations of the University, the Office of Research and Development Services convened the six (6) Associate Research Directors of the NISU external campuses in a two-day workshop to revisit and draft the revised NISU Research Manual on February 15-16, 2023.
Dr. Ma. Ivy V. Agreda, Director for Research and Development Services, spearheaded the crafting of the draft Research Manual which was held at NISU Barotac Viejo Campus.
The workshop begun with a prayer followed with the introduction of the Western Visayas harmonized research policy manual format which serves as the basis in crafting the revised NISU research manual. Following the format, participants were very active in exchanging of ideas and integrating the best practices observed during the benchmarking activities with the other universities.
Towards the end of the workshop, all participants were very hopeful that the policy manual will be fully implemented and will have a great impact in achieving the desired development of NISU in terms of research implementation.

IN PHOTOS ╠ From Region VI to CAR: NISU visits BSU for benchmarking activities
The Northern Iloilo State University R&E delegation headed by Dr. Allemar Jhone P. Delima, VP for Research and Extension Services, came from Region VI to visit Benguet State University of CAR to conduct benchmarking activities on January 26, 2023. To observe, learn and adapt the best practices and operations of the University in the field of research, extension and innovation is the main objective of the activity.

The NISU delegates paid a courtesy call with Dr. Salaing Comila, BSU President in the President’s Office where he shared his thoughts on the importance of mothers in the life of the children. He also emphasized that as leaders, “’wag tayong maging madamot…You have to be kind to those who are mas mababa sa’yo”.

The NISU delegates were also warmly welcomed by Dr. Valentino L. Macanes, Institute of Highland Farming Systems and Agro-Forestry (IHFSA) Director, other directors and representatives of BSU Research and Extension centers.
Exchange of ideas and queries commenced after the presentation of the best practices of BSU through a video presentation. During the discussion, questions were centered on the following areas: R&E engagements, research centers, monetary support and incentives and their legal basis, research publications, research monitoring, research ethics and review, technology business incubation, and commercialization of the research products.

After some fruitful exchange, the NISU delegates together with some BSU staff toured the different offices and facilities of the Research and Extension to observe and learn its best practices. Then they proceeded to the Strawberry Farm where they were introduced to the different varieties and ways of growing strawberries.

On behalf of our University President, Dr. Bobby D. Gerardo, the NISU R&E personnel would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the University President, Dr. Felipe Salaing Comila, and to the entire BSU community for allowing NISU benchmarks at BSU.



NISU successfully conducts benchmarking activities at PSU
The Northern Iloilo State University R&E Services conducted a two-day benchmarking activity at PSU and its external campuses on January 24-25, 2023 to benchmark its best practices in the field of research, extension and innovation.
The NISU delegates were warmly welcomed by the PSU officials headed by Dr. Razeale G. Resultay, OIC-Vice-President for Research, Extension, Innovation and Gender and Development (REIGN).
On the first day, the NISU delegates, PSU officials and staff had a ‘meeting of minds’ in which the best practices of PSU were presented through a video presentation.
According to Dr. Resultay, in her welcome remarks, “‘meeting of minds’ can raise standards in education by creating a model of excellence and sharing best practices is our way of articulating and operationalizing continuous quality improvement”.
Questions and sharing of information during the open forum were raised which focused on R&E engagements, research grants, monetary incentives for both researchers and extenionists.  Further, legal basis, research publications, ethics and review committee, research centers, and commercialization of the research products were also discussed.
In response, Dr. Allemar Jhone Delima, Vice-President for Research and Extension, said that PSU was chosen as the venue of the NISU benchmarking for it is an epitome of Higher Education Institution being one of the bests.  “We want to follow the track that PSU has traversed in the field of Research. Gusto naming to be at par (with PSU),” Dr. Delima said.
After the open forum, PSU in-charged personnel generously showed their campus offices, amenities especially the newly-constructed Golden Lion Hotel and shared their documents for our references.
On the second day, the NISU delegates visited the Food Innovation Center in Bayambang Campus and the Mushroom Technology Center in Sta. Maria Campus. Laboratory equipment were showcased and products were generously shared as samples.
The whole NISU delegation expressed their heartfelt thanks to PSU especially to their University President, Dr. Elbert M. Galas, for allowing NISU benchmarks in their prestigious university, the only PQA Awardee in the entire Philippines.