2. Program Offerings



To be a strong pillar of the State College, offering relevant, responsive and realistic Fisheries and Allied Programs.



To turn out responsible professionals who are competent in the trades of management, research, extension services, industry and instruction.



The College of Fisheries and Allied Sciences aims to:

  1. Provide relevant curriculum and quality instruction that will ensure entrepreneurship, intellectual competence, and research and extension services capabilities.
  2. Develop manpower capabilities and skills in aquaculture, capture fisheries, aquatic ecology and resources, and post-harvest fisheries as sources to attain food stability and contribute to the economy of the country.
  3. Enhance research-based extension projects through sustainable technologies transfer.
  4. Stabilize research programs that are responsive to the needs of the communities locally, nationally and globally.
  5. Strengthen linkages with partners in the local, national, and international agencies; and
  6. Produce graduates who could contribute to the country’s need for food security, sustainable environmental protection and management and responsible fisheries.



The College of Fisheries and Allied Sciences has the following objectives:

  1. Provide pool of faculty members imbued with high level of ethical standards, abreast with innovations and developments in fisheries and allied sciences, and have positive attitude in fisheries research, research management, instruction, extension, production and marketing.
  2. Produce globally competitive graduates of sustainable Aquaculture, capture Fisheries, Post- harvest, and aquatic Resources and ecology, and;
  3. Organize students to become leaders of their profession and in their communities.



  • Bachelor of Science in Fisheries